That Guy
That Guy works for one of the major cruise lines and has for most of his career. He shares his unique insights from an insiders perspective and gives you a view few cruisers ever see or even think about.

All Articles by Author:

That Guy

My Favorite Places I Have Visited Working on a Cruise Ship and the One Place I’d Stay Onboard

The cruising experience allows guests to visit a wide variety of places in one trip, which makes it extremely convenient in more ways than...

Just How Much Happens on the Embarkation Day – The First Day of Your Cruise? 

Embarkation day can represent the happiness of a long-awaited vacation, but it can also be an exhausting process, and a mean one at that!...

I Work on a Cruise Ship: These Are The Dumbest Things I Have Seen Passengers do!

The overwhelming excitement of finally starting a cruise vacation you have been looking forward to for months, or more, can sometimes lead people to...

What You Should and Shouldn’t Ever Say To Cruise Ship Crew Members From an Insider!

If there’s something cruise ship crew members are known for (more so than on land, dare I say) is being polite, helpful and eager...

How do Cruise Ship Security Handle Issues Onboard? Do They Carry Guns? 

One of the strongest feelings you get when you cruise is an overwhelming sense of safety and security. There is, after all, very little...

Things That Have Changed for the Better – and Worse – for Cruisers Over Time!

Over the last couple of years, especially past the pandemic, several things have changed for cruisers all around. Some have gradually been improved and...

Inside the Cruise Ship Tours: Why you Shouldn’t Miss it (if you can go)!

One of the many (as in MANY) activities several cruise lines offer their guests these days is an exciting tour of the areas of...

The Strangest Things I Have Seen at Sea Working Onboard a Cruise Ship!

When you work in the same place for enough time, you’re bound to encounter a few funny, strange or memorable situations. Now, when there’s...

The Odd Ways Cruise Ship Crew Life Is SO Different From Passenger Life Onboard – Even What Day It Is!

Many people might think that working and living on board a luxurious and amenity-filled ship might feel at times like a permanent vacation, much...

More Things You Didn’t Know About Cruise Ships From an Insider

Once again, here we are, listing a number of things you may not have known about cruise ships, their operation and the people behind...

Dial 911 – What Are the Most Common Injuries Guests Suffer While on a Cruise Vacation?

As much of a happy place as a cruise ship can be, accidents are simply a part of life, and in spite of all...

Surprise! – The “Guest” Next to you may be a Crew Member on Vacation!

While many people might think that the fact that crew members spend most of each year onboard would make the idea of cruising for...